The world made of of the 94 naturally occurring elements. Each of these are uniquely entangled with humanity. From the hydrogen that lead to the rise and explosion of the Hindenberg blimp to plutonium used in nuclear bombs. While chemistry and physics classes explore the properties of the elements themselves, the 94 elements film project seeks to explore the interface of these irreducible* particles of the world and the people who inhabit it.
Project director and film maker Mark Paterson told Alok Jha of The Guardian's 'Science Weekly' podcast that his interest in the elements was sparked by the discovery that our finite resources are expiring for many of these elements. While we have not lack of oxygen and silicon, despite their necessity, while the indium we use in TVs and other everyday digital devices could run out in ten years at current usage rates. These facts don't regularly make it into public consciousness. We seldom think where the materials for making our machines and buildings come from but their generation and gathering can often have a huge human impact.
94 Elements isn't just the film project of a single group, though it started much that way. The project seeks to fund independent film projects from publicly open submissions. Thus the project provides two benefits; informing the world of issues surrounding elements and providing funding to independent films. The first film was produced in October 2011 and only a few elements have been covered this far.
What are some of the issues? Already in the first films the lives of people affected by increasing consumption of minerals. Covering Copper, Copper: Acid and Dust, show a snapshot of the lives of young men gathering copper dust from discarded circuit boards to cell to factories. This requires used of dangerous acids which can injury the people using it and destroy the soil. Seeing this as a mode of life, people working with the waste of technology without having experienced the devices benefits was eye-opening.
I would love to see this work continue. They currently have a funding site on ( a crowd sourcing service site). If this peaks your interest as it has mine, consider following the project to updates on productions and releases. Contributors get say in which films get made and additional news on the project.
Best as always!
*So elements can be further broken down into particles but these particles are like ingredients that mix in different portions to make each element.
Feel free to recommend other projects and groups in the my comments or by e-mail!
References and links:
Guardian Interview:
Guardian Podcast:
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